BROOMINGBOOST (LLC) offers a no-quibble full refund to all its customers within 14 days of a request for "immediate service", in addition to your legal rights, if the service has not been started yet.
For, services will be deemed to have started once a performer has been assigned to complete the service and tangible organization has ensued to start the completion of your service.
If we start with a customers order we are eligible to provide a maximum of 50% refund. And our team does not start with the order and customer requests a refund, in that case we would be able to issue a 100% of a refund back to customer.
As a non exhaustive example, a "levelling" service will be deemed to have started once a levelling partner has accepted the assignment. In one of our departments, the special VPN named "Safecarry" is used to grant more protection. The creation of a Safecarry license can be an indicator and proof that the service has started.
A Selfplay service will similarly be deemed to have started once a playing partner has accepted the assignment and the customer is in contact with the playing partner (i.e. coacher, etc).
We collect information from you when you register on our site, place an order or enter information on our site.
When a service is purchased, a service level commitment will be offered and you will be notified of an estimated completion time through the purchase process on the website.
This will generally be within a range, e.g.: 1-3 days.
The upper limit of the range is considered to be the “Estimated Time”.
Once a service is deemed to have started, your right to a refund arises only after the expiration of DOUBLE the Estimated Time and only in the event that the service has not been fulfilled. Specific withdrawal rules are available at the bottom of this page for specific departments.
More detailed rules may also be available in the specific service page.
Your right to a refund is limited solely to the unfulfilled part of the service.
The level of fulfilment of the service will be agreed between us and you, according to reasonable evidence, and our agreement will not unreasonably be withheld.
We reserve the right under certain circumstances to issue refunds that comprise partially cash and partially credit where full refunds are not applicable. Where full refunds are not applicable, we will only consider refunds where there has been no evidence of material non-cooperation.
We always reserve the right to offer discretionary or ex-gratia refunds where, without prejudice, we consider the circumstances are appropriate.
Credit Refunds, after the expiry of the withdrawal period
We believe you always have the right to change your mind or change the service you require, even after the expiry of the withdrawal period. If a service is deemed to have started and is within its estimated completion time, and you change your mind, or change the service you require, we will issue a credit refund for the unfulfilled element of the service. Credit refunds are in the form of Brooming Points (“BP”) where 1 BP = 1€. BP are not transferrable or redeemable for cash.